Personal & Professional Passion
Understanding what it means to evolve, to heal, to integrate wounded parts of the psyche, to become more whole, to shift out of conditioned patterns and to flourish has become my passion. It is my life’s work to continue to explore and map this inner territory, to constantly learn more about how to do this through trainings and self-study, to share what I have learned, and to help and guide others in this process.
Relationships with Others
Helping people to create more authentic and fulfilling relationships with themselves and others is an important part of my work. We are all interdependent and interconnected and cannot exist or thrive without relationships and support in our lives. When we feel alone, when we experience abandonment and disconnection, we are unable to thrive. Health involves both internal and external resources. We need to cultivate the joint capacity to resource ourselves internally and access sources of strength, support and soothing within ourselves, and also learn to reach out to others in authentic and vulnerable ways to create secure bonds. For many of us learned, habitual ways of relating to ourselves and to others gets in the way of healthy intimacy and an empowered sense of self.
Professional Bio
Lisa Hibler is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LCMHC) and Certified Hakomi Therapist (CHT) in private practice in Asheville, NC with a Master’s Degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology from Naropa University in Boulder, CO. She holds a BA in English Literature from Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania. In addition to her education she has extensive training in mindfulness and body-centered approaches to therapy, and clinical experience working with a variety of populations in community and hospital settings prior to starting a private practice in 2010.
Lisa is passionate about helping others to become more connected – to themselves, to others, to their passions, and to their own bodies and emotions. She uses a gentle, compassionate, embodied approach as a therapist to move clients towards change. Pivotal experiences in her own life have influenced her therapeutic work and helped her cultivate an integrated approach to healing. Influences include mindfulness practice; the practice and study of yoga; living abroad in Paris in college immersed in another culture; a passion for words, language and narrative; working in book publishing in New York City; women’s empowerment work; nature based rites of passage work; and integrative approaches to health and healing.
Helping others to love and be loved, to communicate as consciously and openly as possible, even in the face of conflict, and to create relationships that are authentic and lasting is a focus in Lisa’s work. It is her intention to support others in building healthier relational bonds in their lives, within themselves through greater self-acceptance, self-compassion and integration, and with others. She gently explores and repairs wounding that has occurred on relational levels. She helps other receive greater love and support in their lives, live more authentically and understand themselves more fully.
She has worked with adults in crisis through the Boulder Mental Health Center Emergency Psychiatric Services Team; as an outpatient therapist at a community counseling center in Boulder; with adult clients on a community treatment team in Western North Carolina; and managed a basic services outpatient treatment line at an agency in Asheville.
Naropa University emphasizes self-study, mindfulness practice and experiential education. The Master’s Program in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology is a three-year program including a year-long supervised internship. The counseling track of the Transpersonal Program provides an overall orientation to the field of counseling from a transpersonal and humanistic orientation. The course of study is grounded in the counseling relationship, meditation practice and Gestalt principles. The well-being and personhood of the therapists going through the program is emphasized as well as teaching the theory and practice of counseling.
BA, English Literature
Swarthmore College
MA, Transpersonal Counseling Psychology
Naropa University
- Hakomi Mindfulness-Centered Somatic Psychotherapy Professional Two-Year Training Level I & II (Student in the two-year Training and Teaching Assistant for Level I & II)
- Hakomi Mindfulness-Centered Somatic Psychotherapy 7-Day Advanced Supervision Training
- DARe 1, 2, 3 & 4 (Diane Poole Heller’s Dynamic Attachment Re-patterning experience Trainings)
- Accepted & Connected, Workshop on Conflict with Jayson Gaddis, The Relationship School
- Somatic Experiencing Level I Year-Long Training
- Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Level I Year-Long Training
- Relational Operating System (OS) 7-week Course with Robert MacNaughton & Decker Cunov, The Integral Center
- Circling and Authentic Relating Training Weekends with Guy Sengstock and Cathy Courtenay, Circling Institute of Asheville
- Vision Quest Staff, 11-Day Vision Quest with Rites of Passage Council, Asheville, NC
- Vision Quest, 11-Day Encampment with School of Lost Borders in Northern CA
- Mindfulness Training in the Shambhala tradition at Naropa University
- Gestalt Therapy Training at Naropa University
- Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training Basic Certification